Hybrid show between
theater and music
Booking - Mathieu Galy
Fourbi is a bit like the attic of the Umlaut Big Band: there we find all kinds of things that retrace its journey, juxtaposed in a random way but which take on a different meaning precisely because they rub shoulders.
It is also the attic of the history of jazz, big bands and their arrangers, where Don Redman meets Alexander Von Schlippenbach, Duke Ellington rubs shoulders with Muhal Richard Abrams, and Mary Lou
Williams revisits the blues. Fourbi is to hear the big band in its history, as a formidable tool which, throughout time, has allowed for great sonic richness and has served composers/arrangers as a springboard for the most daring explorations.
A program designed around the juxtaposition of contemporary creations (Alexander Von Schlippenbach, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Axel Dörner, Bertrand Denzler) and repertoire works, in a stage form designed with director Jeanne Candel, with the creation of new costumes and desks designed by
Bonnefrite, already a collaborator on the graphic design of the CD Mary's Ideas.