one of the pioneers of European improvised music meets the new generation of French jazz
In 1966, the pianist and composer from Berlin contributes to the emancipation of European jazz by creating the Globe Unity Orchestra, one of the most memorable orchestras of its time.
In 1989, the Berlin Jazz Contemporary Orchestra, another Big Band, gathers several generations of improvisers from Europe.
In 2019, at 80 years old, Alexander Von Schlippenbach gives to the Umlaut Big Band the great honor of composing a tailor-made program for them, of accompanying the orchestra in residency, and playing with them.
The pianist has rummaged through his archives to re-work on past compositions, some of them fifty years old, that, assembled, form a musical self-portrait of a rare sincerity.
A DOCUMENTARY film by Léa Lanoë shows the creation process of this residency prior to the Umlaut Festival Paris 2019.